Your transport on-demand services more efficient.

Improve the operational efficiency and profitability of your transport on-demand services by optimising journeys.

Your on-demand more efficient transportation service
Rapid deployment
From 1 to 1000 vehicles
Continuing developments
Tailor-made support
Remake you want to take public transport

Encouraging people to take public transport

Imagine an on-demand transportation service that makes getting around easier. A friendly service, accessible from your smartphone or by making a simple phone call. You can track the arrival of the vehicle in real time and receive a notification when it is about to arrive at your location.

Simplified use from your smartphone

Encourage intermodality

Offer a smooth, seamless travel experience, with simple transport changes. Our solution is designed to ensure transfers with other modes of transport, even when these are managed by different operators.

Responsible mobility accessible to all users
Encourage Intermodality with Cityway
Créez des récurrences avec l'offre Transport à la Demande Cityway

Stimulate the local economy and employment

Invest in a solution that facilitates access to the transportation network and promotes the growth of local economic activity. Allow users to travel over large areas or at times different from regular lines. Open up new employment opportunities in your territory by filling the “first and last mile” gaps in travel.

Accessible modes of transport for a better local economic situation

They trust us

Logo Nouvelle AquitaineLogo La Région Auvergne Rhônes AlpesLogo MTagLogo HandistuceLogo Total EnergiesLogo Victoria VilleLogo Transdev

Booking transportation has never been easier

A solution designed to eliminate any friction when booking, ensuring a simple, clear and accessible experience for all travelers:

Reservation on line or by telephone
Add to calendar
Reminder SMS
Approaching vehicle tracking
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Booking a transportation service with Cityway

A driving assistant

A driving assistant with Cityway

A tool designed to make life easier for on-demand transportation drivers.

  • GPS guidance
  • List of travellers
  • Real-time roadmap
  • Reporting delays or no-shows
  • Geolocation of vehicles
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A unique solution, suitable for everyone

Give visibility to your offer

Communicating effectively about transportation services is often a challenge. Simplify your offer, thanks to the route search function, which indicates possible drop-off points depending on the departure location.

Reassure travelers

Offer elements of reassurance to travelers and avoid any unnecessary tension thanks to SMS reminders.

Make the territory shine

Personalize your mobile application and your website by integrating visual elements of your territory such as your logo and your colors.

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Responsable Marketing qui utilise l'offre Cityway

Optimize your services

Take advantage of the assistance of artificial intelligence to optimize your services, while retaining the possibility of regaining manual control if necessary.

Manage operational hazards

Reduce the impact of disruptions and maintain your travelers' confidence by keeping them informed in real time of possible changes.

Group as many reservations as possible

Offer your travelers the possibility of registering on a waiting list. Thus, in the event of withdrawal, they will be the first informed and will be able to benefit from available places.

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Une assistante d'exploitation qui utilise la solution Cityway

Keep an eye on activity

Access a comprehensive, real-time view of all activity and proactively manage operations.

Promote local economic and social development

Offer flexible and adapted services to meet travel needs, whether in periods of low traffic or in less densely populated areas.

Improve user satisfaction

Simplify travel with complete and accurate information, and monitor traveler satisfaction levels in real time.

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Une responsable des collectivité

Suggest the best routes

Each journey is rated according to your objectives (quality of service, duration, distance traveled). When booking, your advisor will prioritize the options that allow you to achieve your objectives.

Manage activity in real time

Access a comprehensive, real-time view of telephone and digital reservations, and proactively manage operations.

Strengthen ties with travelers

Keep track of your travelers' essential information, such as their usual pick-up locations and days, as well as their specific needs. This approach promotes a relationship of trust and proximity.

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La centrale d'appels de Transport à la Demande

Optimize your resources

Maximize the use of available resources, such as vehicles and drivers, by planning trips efficiently and reducing empty miles.

Offer a flexible solution

Adapt on-demand transportation services to fluctuations in demand, changing schedules and specific traveler needs.

Make travel easier

Offer the possibility of booking by phone, via the mobile application or the website, and automate the sending of SMS when the vehicle is approaching.

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Un chef d'entreprise avec une solution de Transport à la Demande

At your side to model your offer

For 20 years our experts who have supported each project have started with modeling the on-demand transport offer, a critical step which determines the performance of the service. It is the combination of human expertise and technological precision that guarantees the relevance of our projections. Based on your requirements and our experience, we will build solid foundations for your transport on-demand offering :

Support from an transport on-demand expert
Modeling according to your requirements
Alliance of human expertise and the best of technology
Method proven for 20 years
Discover the offersarrow_forward
Modéliser votre offre Cityway

Enjoy all the latest features

Profitez des dernières fonctionnalités dans l'offre Transport à la Demande

The transpor on-demand solution by Cityway works on the SaaS principle, which means that it is regularly updated. Every month we enrich it with new features and make improvements guaranteeing you have a scalable and efficient solution without impacting your budget:

  • Upgradable maintenance included
  • New features added every month
  • Always up to date solution
  • Controlled budget
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Ready to simplify mobilityin your area?

Get a quote in less than 48 hours
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Your assistant to manage the offer ofTransport on-Demand

Simple booking registration

Create reservations quickly and efficiently with our streamlined system, which guides you through the process step by step.

Support for people with reduced mobility (paratransit)

The tool makes it possible to effectively respond to the specific travel needs of people with reduced mobility.

Ease of use

Our software is easy to use. You can quickly start optimizing your on-demand transportation service.

Traveler Manager

You have access to a centralized passenger database, allowing you to store their travel preferences, their specific needs or their complaints.

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Integrate the Traveler Information solution by Cityway ©

Offer travelers a seamless, intermodal travel experience. Bring together your transport on-demand offer with all the mobility offer in your area in a single platform, thus simplifying their travel.

Perfectly complementary solution
Consistent offer in your network
A single interface to plan, reserve and pay
A contact for all your mobility
Learn more about Traveler Information solutionarrow_forward
Pay & Travel with Cityway

Pay & Travel

Integrate sales into your on-demand transport solution and simplify the lives of travelers in your territory:

Easy to use
M-Ticket or electronic wallet
Payment proofs
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The steps for your new mobility

Step 1
Project analysis

During a personalized interview with one of our experts, share with us the determining elements of your on-demand transportation service. Our team will simulate several scenarios and suggest adjustments depending on the context and area.

Step 2
Subscription and Contract

Our subscriptions can be taken out directly over the counter or via tender procedures such as public markets.

Step 3
Livraison et Formation Personnalisée

A dedicated project manager will support you throughout the configuration of your on-demand transportation optimization solution, ensuring it meets your specific needs. Additionally, upon delivery, we provide extensive training to software users to ensure rapid and efficient adoption.

Step 4
Monitoring and Continuous Evolution

Your preferred contact will remain at your side throughout our collaboration to help you achieve your objectives. We are committed to maintaining and evolving the solution according to your needs and the developments planned in our roadmap.

Une conductrice avec une solution CitywayI'm going for itarrow_forward

An interface to manage yourtransport on-demand  services in complete autonomy

With Cityway's transort on-demand solution, managing your on-demand transportation service becomes child's play!

A tool dedicated to operating an on-demand transport offer :

  • Setting up the offer (non-competition, reservation deadline, priority profiles)
  • Management of reservations from call centers and the internet
  • Dynamic edition of service sheets and route sheets
  • Management of operational hazards (absence of driver, vehicle)
  • Quick information for travelers
  • Real-time vehicle tracking
  • Detailed performance statistics
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Manage all on-demand transportation service with Cityway

You are free to manage your offer. Our teams remain available to assist you.

A solution connected to your entire mobility ecosystem

Unify all modes of transport available in your area in a single platform. Explore new multimodal travel possibilities to enrich your transport offer. We integrate the mobility offers available in your territory.

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La solution Cityway, au coeur de votre stratégie de mobilité
Regular lines
Intercity line
Soft and shared mobility
Personal car and P+R

The plan adapted to your needs

Be in control of your budget with our clear plan and no hidden costs. Each package offers a base of features, enhanced with flexible options from the extensions catalog.

Rapid deployment
Full support
The unique offer
Administrator interface
Management tool in the on-demand transport offer
Dynamic Race Optimizer
Edition of roadmaps
Management of operational hazards
Viewing statistics
Conductor interface
Drivers app
Traveler services
Sending SMS and emails
Waiting list
Traveler interface
Personalized website
Management of a transport service for people with reduced mobility (paratransit)
Operational services
Access to developments
Choose Transport on Demand offerarrow_forward
Administrator interface
Non-dedicated fleet management and race dispatch (taxi) tool
No competition with regular lines
Real-time reoptimization engine
Traveler services
Real-time matches
Traveler interface
Custom mobile app
Electronic wallet
Choose the offer with optionsarrow_forward
Integrate the Traveler Information solution by Cityway ©
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The Transport on Demand solution by Cityway meets the challenges of local mobility

Manage your transport on-demand offer in a single platform :

Definition of service
Allocation of vehicles and drivers
Real-time monitoring
Management of operating hazards
Reservations Manager
Assistance in making reservations
Service optimization
CRM Travelers
Drivers app
Passenger grouping
No competition with regular lines

A website and mobile application to simplify reservations and payment

Information and reservation 24/7
Match guarantee
Booking confirmation by SMS
Add to calendar
Waiting list registration
Sale: Mticket and electronic wallet (optional)
Modification or cancellation
Reminder SMS
Real-time vehicle tracking
Billing tracking

Performance indicators to optimize your services:

Summary of passengers transported
Kilometers traveled
Average travel time
Cancellations and no-shows
Mapping of pick-up and drop-off locations
Analysis of the most traveled origins/destinations
Bundling rate
Reservation deadlines
Booking channel

Let's create new
mobility together

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Response within 48 hours
Dedicated support
Mobility expert
20 years + experience