Data protection policy

Special Conditions - Personal Data Protection
Posted on 09/04/2024

The Publisher is responsible for the processing of personal data carried out by the Site, you will find the contact details of the Publisher here:

These Special Conditions are intended to inform you about the purposes and conditions under which we are required to process data concerning you as well as to identify and allow you to exercise the rights that you have over this data. When you access the Site or as part of the provision of our services, we may collect and process personal information about you to meet the purposes indicated in the following table:

Parity table

(*) the types of data indicated in brackets allow you to identify examples of data processed during the processing in question, these examples are not exhaustive.

When you access or use certain services, we may provide you with additional or specific information relating to the data processing implemented for these services.

Unless you have obtained your specific consent, we will not communicate or make available to third parties any data about you for commercial or promotional purposes for third party products or services.

When the treatment is based on your consent, you are reminded that your consent can be withdrawn at any time. No decision with legal effects against you is taken by exclusively automated processing.

Some data collected is required to be able to access our Services and those of our partners. In this case, the required fields or information are indicated to you for this purpose. If you choose not to provide certain required personal data, we may not be able to provide you with the services you requested or to fulfill the purposes for which we process personal data. In addition, we may publish, disclose, and use aggregated information (information about all users or specific groups or categories of users combined so that an individual user can no longer be identified or mentioned) or non-personal information for industry and market analysis, demographic profiling, promotional and advertising purposes, and other commercial purposes.

Retention periods 
Data concerning you is only kept for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes for which they were collected. It is brought to your attention that the general principles of data retention are:
· data relating to prospects is deleted after 3 years of non-response to requests;
· data relating to the management of cookies may be kept for up to the end of a period of 6 months from their collection;
· data relating to the management of recruitment may be kept until the end of a period of two closed calendar years from the date of their collection;
Some specific data processing that we implement may have different retention periods, in particular if their retention is made necessary due to a legal obligation or to allow us to exercise our rights. If you wish to obtain more details on the retention rules specific to a specific treatment, you can contact our Data Protection Department (contact details below).

Security and data transfers
In accordance with current regulations, we take the necessary measures to ensure that personal information is protected in terms of its security, integrity and confidentiality. Any transfers of data are carried out in accordance with the regulations, and are governed in particular by the standard contractual clauses established by the European Commission.

We may communicate, for the purposes specified above, information about you to our subcontractors and service providers; some of these companies may be located outside the European Union and outside the countries recognized by the European Union as having laws guaranteeing adequate protection of personal data.

Information concerning you may be communicated to any person or any public or private entity, in particular administrations or professional orders, when such communication is provided for by law or regulation. We may also process information about you for the purposes of managing and monitoring compliance with our internal, audit policies and procedures, or to administer, manage, or defend ourselves against claims or legal actions. In the event that we are involved in a merger, acquisition, sale of assets or receivership proceedings, we may be required to sell or share all or part of our assets, including personal data.

Exercise of rights 
In accordance with the regulations, you can exercise your rights of consultation, rectification, opposition, opposition, opposition, deletion, deletion, limitation of processing and portability, under the conditions of the applicable regulations, on your personal data that we may hold, by sending a request mentioning your name, first name, address and attaching a copy of a proof of identity, by the means of your choice:
• By post to: Cityway SAS Service RGPD 85 Rue Pierre Duhem 13594 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 3
• By email to:

You can also send to the Data Protection Department your instructions relating to the fate of your personal data in the event of death, and in particular the way in which you want the above rights to be exercised. In general, the Data Protection Department remains at your disposal for any additional information or complaint relating to the processing of personal data that we implement. We are committed to responding to you as soon as possible, in accordance with the deadlines imposed by the applicable regulations. It is brought to your attention that the supervisory authority in France in terms of data processing is the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés,, where you can request any information or file a possible complaint.

Updates and changes to the Special Conditions 
We reserve the right to modify these Special Conditions at any time on our processing of personal data. Their effective date is mentioned at the beginning of the text. Please refer to it periodically and especially each time you provide us with personal information.